Photo by, Gina Quaranta
Daya Parvati
(birth name: Rachel Fennimore)
24 years experience reading tarot cards, as taught by my Aunt on the classic rider-waite deck.
10 years reading tarot professionally, 7 years facilitating energy healing sessions and meditations.
4 years practicing as a birth doula. Trained with Carriage House Birth.
Psychic & Intuition training from NYC top psychic Betsy Cohen
Intuition training from master reiki healer, animal communicator and spirit channeler Sue Pike
Reiki master and teacher certification from master healer and Shaman Radhe Sierra
Crystal Dreaming certification from master healers and Shamans Raym & Chicchan
Interfaith Ordination from Alliance of Divine Love, teacher intuitive Carolyn Harris
Ignite Your Spirit, currently studying at Shanti Mission
After years of depression, addiction and a few suicide attempts I found myself 15 years ago crying out to that mysterious force that for the sake of a name I will call God. In that moment I knew something had to change or could not go on being in a world that felt so hopeless.
From that moment divine synchronicities speed up, finding me around every corner. Books falling of the shelves that held answers to many of my deepest ponderings, people giving me free yoga memberships and inviting me to group meditations. At one such event is where I met one of my spiritual mentor’s and teacher’s, Shakti Durga. Since then my life has changed in miraculous ways. Being on the path of self-realization has unlocked many of life's mysterious for me and I have devoted myself to development on this path, with the intention that I am able to better serve others by holding space for the higher versions of themselves to be revealed.
MISSION STATEMENT: Honoring all sacred paths that lead toward enlightenment. I am Daya Parvati, disciple of the divine. I acknowledge I am one with the omnipotent power of creative consciousness, the earth and all it’s inhabitants. With this unity I am here to facilitate healing to others and the planet, by first healing myself. Through this service and the practice of mindful thought, action and speech; my mission is to help anchor peace on earth. Leading by example, I am on the path of enlightenment, which creates peace in my individual heart then reflects and expands in to the hearts of men, world and cosmos. I am excited to serve as a child of the Divine, through modalities of ceremony and ritual as an ordained interfaith minister, reiki master and teacher, ignite your spirit practitioner, sacred jewelry designer, tarot reader and our evolving and expanding consciousness; through continued learned knowledge, experience, and realization; upholding clear values and living in accordance with in the laws of the universe. Everything I am, be and do is a reflection of my open heart and yearning to serve the will of God as my own, aligned with that of my highest destiny. So it is.
Always a humble student first, I am nothing without the love and support of my great teachers. With much love and respect to all my teachers on this path. THANK YOU: Shakti Durga & Parvati Sundari of Shanti Mission, Radhe Sierra of Muktinah Healing Center, Betsy Cohen of Trust Your Intuition, Raym & Chicchan of Crystal Dreaming, Sue Pike The Animal Talker, Shekinah and Ananda Maya of The Make a Difference program, and Carolyn Harris from ADL and Grandmother Nancy, Algonquin elder.